How Does Facial Reshaping Improve Facial Contours?

How Does Facial Reshaping Improve Facial Contours?

The natural aging process is unavoidable, and it affects a person’s facial contours. Over time, facial skin sags, and facial contours gradually disappear. Thanks to facial reshaping surgery, however, individuals can address the loss of facial contours and other visible signs of aging in the face.

What Is Facial Reshaping?

Facial reshaping helps a person achieve a balanced, natural-looking facial appearance. It restores facial volume and enhances facial harmony, and in doing so, improves facial contours.

A facial reshaping procedure is complex and varies from patient to patient. It is often used to treat different facial shapes, including:

  • Gaunt: Refers to a face that appears thin and bony. A gaunt face frequently makes a person appear older than his or her actual age.
  • Bottom-Heavy: Occurs when the lower portion of the face appears fuller than other portions of the face. A bottom-heavy face may make a person’s face appear out of proportion relative to his or her body.
  • Chubby: Causes all areas of the face to appear full. A chubby face may make a person’s face look “heavy.”
  • Asymmetric: Occurs when the nose, cheeks and other facial features do not appear to align properly. An asymmetric face is sometimes hereditary or may be linked to Romberg’s disease or other medical conditions.

In addition to facial reshaping, facelift surgery is available to help individuals bolster their facial appearance. But it is important to note that facial reshaping and facelift surgery are not identical.

Facelift surgery tightens loose skin and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the face. Therefore, individuals who want to address the loss of facial contours should consider facial reshaping over facelift surgery.

When it comes to determining whether to undergo facial reshaping, facelift surgery or any other facial rejuvenation procedure, it is paramount to work with an expert facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon like Dr. Jonathan Cabin as well. That way, an individual can learn about all of the facial rejuvenation treatment options at his or her disposal.

Are You a Candidate for Facial Reshaping?

The ideal candidate for facial reshaping usually falls between the ages of 45 and 65 years old. Conversely, individuals who are dealing with congenital jowls or a round or rectangular facial shape may also be eligible for facial reshaping surgery. In some instances, facial reshaping patients undergo a combination of SMAS rhytidectomy, buccal fat pad removal and autologous fat grafting, too.

Ultimately, the goal of facial reshaping is to help a patient achieve the optimal balance between his or her facial features. With support from Dr. Cabin, an individual can undergo a personalized facial reshaping procedure that accomplishes this goal.

How Does Dr. Cabin Approach Facial Reshaping?

The decision to undergo facial reshaping is rarely simple, but Dr. Cabin helps his patients make informed treatment decisions. He discusses facial reshaping and other facial rejuvenation treatment options with his patients, ensuring they can determine the best course of action based on their individual needs. Plus, Dr. Cabin delivers a personalized treatment plan designed to help each of his patients achieve the best-possible results.

Dr. Cabin views a facial reshaping patient’s face in a continuum. He explores ways to create soft transitions between different facial features to bring harmony to a patient’s facial appearance.

Furthermore, Dr. Cabin is committed to helping each of his patients accomplish their desired facial rejuvenation treatment goals in any way possible. If Dr. Cabin believes facial reshaping is too risky for a patient, he will recommend an alternative treatment. Or, if Dr. Cabin believes a patient should forego facial reshaping, he will be honest with this individual.

What to Expect During a Facial Reshaping Consultation

For those who are considering facial reshaping, meeting with Dr. Cabin is ideal. A facial reshaping consultation enables a patient to understand what to expect during treatment. It also allows a patient to find out if he or she qualifies for facial reshaping and plan accordingly.

Prior to performing facial reshaping surgery, Dr. Cabin meets with a patient and learns about his or her treatment goals. He then performs a full patient evaluation. If Dr. Cabin believes a patient is a good candidate for facial reshaping, he next crafts a custom treatment plan for this individual.

The initial phase of facial reshaping surgery plays a key role in the treatment’s success. At this time, Dr. Cabin focuses on the following areas:

  • Anti-aging routine
  • Skincare
  • Sun protection
  • Tobacco cessation

Sometimes, Dr. Cabin recommends non-surgical treatments to complement facial reshaping surgery. These non-surgical treatments may include neuromodulators, skin resurfacing and soft tissue fillers.

Additionally, Dr. Cabin understands there is no one-size-fits-all procedure to accommodate all facial reshaping patients, at all times. He instead tailors each facial reshaping procedure to his patient, ensuring this individual can achieve a beautiful, harmonious facial appearance.

Schedule a Facial Reshaping Consultation with Dr. Cabin Today

Dr. Cabin is happy to meet with a patient to discuss facial reshaping and other facial rejuvenation procedures. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Cabin, please call us today at 703-718-4411.


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