Face & Neck Liposuction | Washington, D.C., & Arlington

Reshape Your Face

If you want to reduce stubborn fat deposits, refine your jawline or other facial features, or just rejuvenate your overall appearance, liposuction with Dr. Jonathan Cabin can help you look younger and more defined. As a facial rejuvenation expert, Dr. Cabin will customize your treatment plan to ensure you get the natural-looking results you need to help you reveal your true self.

What Is Liposuction?

In short, liposuction—especially for your face and neck—is a procedure designed to target and directly remove stubborn fat accumulation along your jawline and beneath your chin.

This minimally invasive technique can effectively sculpt your face by accentuating your jawline, chin, and neck to give you the more defined, youthful appearance you want.

Using virtually invisible, microscopic access points, Dr. Cabin inserts small tubes to carefully remove and sculpt the excess fat obscuring your unique features in order to restore the smooth, tight, youthful contours of your jawline and neck.

How Does Liposuction for Your
Face & Neck Work?

Liposuction for the face and neck is a specialized technique designed to remove excess fat and enhance the overall shape of your face, resulting in a more defined and youthful appearance.

Here's an overview of the procedure:

  1. Anesthesia: To ensure your comfort, we’ll administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment areas.
  2. Tiny Incisions: Dr. Cabin will strategically place small incisions near the treatment areas, allowing him to insert a thin tube called a cannula.
  3. Gentle Fat Removal: Dr. Cabin will then use the cannula to carefully remove excess fat from your face and neck before sculpting these areas for improved definition.
  4. Precision Sculpting: After removing the excess fat, Dr. Cabin will skillfully sculpt the treated areas so you get natural-looking contours that complement your overall appearance.
  5. Incision Closure: Once he’s removed the excess fat and sculpted the target areas, Dr. Cabin will close the incisions with sutures to promote and ensure proper healing.

Another non-invasive, office-based alternative to liposuction is the use of Kybella to permanently dissolve fat pockets.

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Liposuction for Face & Neck: Is It Right for You?

If you find yourself dealing with excess fat deposits in your face and neck despite a healthy lifestyle, liposuction could be the solution you're seeking, especially if you:

  • Have noticeable fat accumulation in the face and neck area
  • Are in good overall health and have realistic expectations
  • Want to achieve a more defined jawline, chin, and neck
  • Seek subtle enhancements that complement their natural features
  • Are a non-smoker or willing to quit before and after the procedure
  • Understand that liposuction is not a weight loss solution but rather a contouring technique

If you're looking to refine your facial contours and achieve a more sculpted appearance, schedule an Arlington liposuction appointment with Dr. Jonathan Cabin.

He’ll carefully assess your unique needs and goals during your consultation to help you determine if liposuction is the perfect solution to reach your aesthetic goals and boost your confidence.

Why Choose
Dr. Cabin?

Liposuction is your path to a more contoured face. Stubborn fat deposits can be frustrating, but with this procedure, you can achieve the facial shape and appearance you've always wanted. Dr. Cabin's approach is focused on sculpting your chin, neck, and jawline to achieve a harmonious balance.

As an internationally recognized facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Cabin understands that true beauty is about proportions, and he'll work with you to create the perfect balance for your unique face. Whether it's your jaw, chin, or other facial features, liposuction is the solution to getting the more defined, youthful, and balanced appearance you deserve.

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What Your Liposuction Recovery Will Look Like

You should typically be able to resume your normal activities within a few days after your procedure. Some initial swelling and bruising are normal but will subside over time.

Dr. Cabin will provide detailed post-operative instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery.

Liposuction FAQs